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#1 Thu, 24/03/2022 - 10:32

Victorian Travel Voucher Scheme: $200 Reimbursement to Eligible Applicants for the Costs of Tourism Activities in Victoria - Minimum Spend $400

Just spotted this in the news feed.

A $200 reimbursement to eligible applicants for the costs of tourism activities in Victoria when you spend more than $400 on accommodation, tours and experiences.

Your trip must include a minimum of 2 consecutive nights’ paid accommodation.

The allocation of 140,000 travel vouchers has now been exhausted.

Eligible travel period: 08 April to 27 May 2022

Claim period: 04 May to 14 June 2022.


Victorian residents over the age of 18 are eligible to apply. Each household is limited to one voucher for the entire scheme.

The voucher provides a $200 reimbursement when you spend $400 or more on accommodation, tours, experiences, and attractions in Victoria. Your trip must include a minimum of 2 consecutive nights’ paid accommodation.

Applicants must provide evidence they have spent $400 or more in the following categories:

paid accommodation, which means serviced apartments, backpacker and hostels, bed and breakfasts, cabins or caravans in holiday parks, caravan and camping site fees, cottages, farm stays, private holiday rentals, houseboats, motels, hotels, resorts, retreats and lodges
paid tours and experiences, which means tour operators that offer regularly organised tours with a leisure-tourism focus, organised by experienced guides. These may include a personal host and/or commentary. For example, a boat cruise, guided walk, bus tour, air tour, agri-tourism, food and wine tour, sport tour, outdoor and adventure tour
entry fees to attractions, which means places/areas of interest that offer a distinct visitor experience to the leisure tourist such as museums, water parks, local attractions, theme parks etc. (“Eligible Expenses”).

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