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#1 Fri, 25/09/2015 - 16:28

Optus - Save $144 + Free 2GB for iPhone 6s $80 My Plan Plus [Compared to Vodafone, Virgin & Telstra]

iPhone shoppers hunting for a bargain should look no further than Optus, who has announced a shift in its iPhone pricing that leaves the competition in its dust.

Customers buying the iPhone 6s 16GB on the Optus $80 My Plan will get the phone for $0, down from $6 per month, for a total saving of $144 over the life of the plan.

To sweeten the pot, Optus is also adding a bonus 2GB data to the 6GB already in the plan, for any phone bought on the $80 plan, but only for customers who grab the deal before January 4, 2016.

In comparison, Vodafone customers will pay $89 for 6GB data, and Virgin customers $100 per month for the same 6GB. Telstra’s prices are in a different league altogether, with an iPhone 6s 16GB and 6GB data costing a total of $99 per month.

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