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#1 Tue, 15/10/2019 - 13:25

Myer - Cli-Mate Desktop Air Purifier 10m2: Black Cli-AP11-B $44.95 (Was $129.95)

Cli-Mate Desktop Air Purifier 10m2: Black Cli-AP11-B for only $44.95.

Desktop Air Purifier 10m2: Black. Ideal for room up to 10m Household air can contain a mix of allergens such as dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, dust mite droppings as well as bacteria and odour.

The Cli~Mate Air Purification System reduces the concentration of these air contaminants, creating a cleaner and healthier home environment.

Improves the quality of the air in your home by helping to reduce airborne contaminants such as allergens and unpleasant odours. Helps to rid indoor air of allergens such as dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores and dust mite droppings. 2 filtration levels in one HEPA filter removes 99.5 % of particles as small as 0.3 microns and greater from the air Activated carbon filter absorbs common household odours, VOCs, cigarette odours, chemical fumes and smoke. Approved by the National Asthma Council Australias Sensitive Choice Program.

Usually sells for $129.95.

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