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#1 Wed, 10/10/2018 - 23:32

Mad Mex - FREE Cap with San Diego OG Steak & Guac Burrito + Corona for $22

For a limited time, get our new San Diego OG Steak & Guac Burrito plus a Corona for $22 and receive our new cap FREE!

Looking for something sweet? You can also get an OG Burrito plus a Jarritos and cap for $20.

A tribute to the surfer bros and beach-town hippies of 1960’s San Diego, we’ve put an Aussie twist on the Mexican sombrero that’s perfect for a warm Australian summer.

This classic San Diego style Burrito is the #1 style of Burrito in the Southern California region and is sure to pack a punch with sizzling slow cooked Steak complemented with Lettuce, Beans, Pico de Gallo, Cheese, Sour Cream and loaded with our freshly hand-smashed Guacamole.

Vamos, this offer will only be around for a limited time and while stocks last. So visit a Mad Mex restaurant today to try the #1 style of Burrito in Southern California.

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