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#1 Wed, 12/12/2018 - 16:09

Jetstar - Secret Jingle 2018 Sale: Over 150 One-Way Flights for $2 (code) e.g. Sydney to Ballina Byron $2

Jetstar launches incredible 'secret' Christmas sale with fares to Bali and Hawaii from as little as $2.

Travel period: 23rd January to 4th April, 2019.

Highlights are:

  • Sydney to Ballina Byron - $2
  • Darwin to Cairns - $2
  • Melbourne to Adelaide - $2
  • and lots more

Budget airline Jetstar is spreading the Christmas spirit by offering discounted fares from as little as $2 over the next 10 days - but there's a catch.

On Wednesday, the airline announced it would be releasing 150 reduced fares daily to a range of national and international destinations as part of its Secret Jingle Sale.

But in order to unlock the cheap and cheerful deals, the airline also revealed customers need to listen to Christmas songs on music streaming app Spotify.

To help savvy travelers find the hidden code words, we've created our own Christmas playlist to subscribe to.'

All listeners need to do to access the cheap fares is to keep an ear out for special code words hidden within the lyrics and then use them to unlock the one-way fares.

When the Christmas jingle comes on, listeners need to follow the prompts in the song by clicking on the album cover and choose the selected flights.

To lock in the reduced fare price and complete the sale, people then need to enter the special code word at the end of the transaction and the deal is complete.

Among the many local routes up for grabs are Adelaide to Avalon, Cairns to Darwin and Sydney to Byron Bay.

A selection of Australia's most 'favourite' international hotspots, including as Bali, will also be heavily discounted over the 10 day period.

Up to 150 discounted fares will be up for grabs daily, with a different sale offer being released between the hours of 10am and 5pm along with its specific code word.

Customers can access Jetstar's Christmas Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2J...


Coupon Code: BARBIE $2 One-Way Flights Expiry: 12/12/18

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