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#1 Wed, 26/08/2020 - 23:27

Woolworths - Brita Navelia White Filter Jug 2.3l $12.5 (Save $12.5)

Brita Navelia White Filter Jug 2.3l for only $12.5.

Combine modern design with practical functions, the fill&enjoy Navelia is an economical option to ensure you stay hydrated with great tasting filtered water at home. The easy grab lid and covered spout make it easy to clean and use. The jug features the MAXTRA+ filter with the unique MicroFlow technology, formulated especially to provide expert levels of filtration for different water conditions around the world, including Australia. Made of activated carbon from natural coconut shells, its activated carbon pearls acts to absorb and lock away chlorine and other taste and odour impairing substances, resulting in fresher, cleaner water. Additionally, its ion exchange pearls help to reduce metals like lead and copper as well as ensuring reliable protection from limescale build-up. Click here to learn more about the benefits of MAXTRA+ filter. The in-built electronic indicator is designed to remind you when the filter should be replaced - for optimum performance, the filter should be changed every 150L or 4 weeks based on average household size drinking 8 glasses per day.

Usually sells for $25.

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