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#1 Mon, 12/07/2021 - 00:33

Woolworths - 2 x Glen 20 Carpet Cuddly Pet Disinfectant Spray 354g $9.6 (Usually $8 each)

2 x Glen 20 Carpet Cuddly Pet Disinfectant Spray 354g for only $9.6.

Glen 20 Carpet Disinfectant Spray Cuddly Pet, sprays with its wide-angle spray cap, killing odour causing bacteria.

Glen 20 Carpet Disinfectant Spray is a household disinfectant spray with a wide-angle spray cap. It kills odour causing bacteria on carpets and neutralises pet odours to freshen the room. For hard surfaces and other soft surfaces such as pet beds, curtains, fabric couches and covers.

Usually sells for $8 each.

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