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#1 Thu, 15/06/2017 - 14:55

Trade Pub - FREE "The Essential Job Interview Handbook" eBook (Save $11.16)

"The Essential Job Interview Handbook" eBook now for free @ Trade Pub.

The Essential Job Interview Handbook will help job seekers prepare effectively for interviews and become familiar with different types of interview questions and styles of interviews. A unique feature of this book is the multiple answers it provides for each question, rated good, better, and best; with this feature, you'll learn what makes a winning answer and understand the strategy behind it.

This book will help you:

  • Prepare yourself with realistic tools, skills, and answers
  • Impress any potential employer
  • Rise above the competition

Whether you're just finishing school or have been working a long time, this resource will give you all the powerful tools you need to not just get a job, but to get the right one.

Offer ends on 28th June 2017.

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