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#1 Sun, 27/10/2019 - 01:39

[Prime Members] Vegemite Yeast Spread, 150 Grams x 12 $23.30 Delivered (Was $59.99) @ Amazon

Vegemite Yeast Spread, 150 Grams x 12 for only $23.30.

Vegemite Spread is a nutritious and undeniably delicious start to the day. The B vitamins (thiamine B1, riboflavin B2, niacin B3 and folate) in Vegemite provide vitality to help get your day started.

Thiamine is essential for brain function, Riboflavin supports your nervous system, Niacin is essential for energy release and Folate helps to fight fatigue. Vegemite spread is virtually fat-free, with a mere 36 kJ in a 5g serve and is the perfect accompaniment for a wholesome breakfast, lunch or snack. In fact, its unique and delicious flavour.

It can enjoy part of a balanced, varied diet and active lifestyle.

Usually sells for $59.99.

Free delivery for Prime members.

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