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#1 Wed, 12/08/2020 - 03:08

KFC - Zinger Mozzarella Burger $8.95 - Starts Today

The awesome offer is back @ KFC!

Zinger Mozzarella Burger for only $8.95.

The burger originally launched in 2017 and rose to fame for its distinctive oozy Zinger-coated mozzarella patty.

Packed with flavoursome spice and a crunch, the burger is perfectly paired with a classic Zinger fillet along with crispy bacon, fresh lettuce and topped with tangy tomato sauce and mayonnaise.

Zinger Mozzarella is the burger for all the cheese lovers out there and a level up on there classic Zinger Burger.

During the chillier months the Zinger Mozzarella is the perfect way to indulge - so don't miss out this time around.

As the burger previously attracted a cult following and constant praise from customers, it is expected to swiftly become a popular menu option once again.

The burger is the ideal combination of cheesiness and hot spice for the ultimate meal.

Currently KFC has more than 640 restaurants across Australia, so the new burger should be easily accessible to thousands of customers.

Offer valid until Monday 7th September 2020.

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