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#1 Sat, 14/11/2020 - 00:29

JB Hi-Fi - Sharp FPF30JH Air Purifier $199 (Was $349)

Sharp FPF30JH Air Purifier for only $199.

Understand the importance of clean air with Sharp's revolutionary dual action Air Purifier with Plamsacluster Ion technology. The FPF30JH ensures a clean, well balanced air flow with the 20° angle nozzle allowing a faster air circulation. The HEPA filter traps 99.97% of dust particles as small as 0.3 microns from the air, enabling quick removal for cleaner air. Not only using the filtration system, Sharp Air Purifiers also contain a Plasmacluster Ion generator. This releases positive and negative ions into the air which surrounds airborne allergens, bacteria, mould, viruses, reduces odours and refreshes the air. The Plasmacluster Ions deactivate the airborne substances, breaking them down and converting them into water molecules which is released harmlessly into the air.

Usually sells for $349.

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