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#1 Fri, 16/06/2017 - 13:32

The Good Guys - Hoover 7kg Front Load Washer $428 + Free C&C (Was $599)

Excellent price for this washer!

Hoover 7kg Front Load Washer for only $428.

This white Hoover front-loading washer has a high 4.5 star WELS water rating for water bill savings, and the capacity to wash 7kg of dry laundry per load so you can save time by doing fewer loads for your three to four person family.

Its 12 types of washing programs enable you to get just the right setting for each load. Shorten your drying time by extracting more water from each wash cycle with the white Hoover DXC27-1-AUS's high 1200rpm maximum spin speed. It has a delayed start setting, a safety lock, a 3.5 star energy rating, and a 3 year manufacturer warranty.

This white front-loading washer is 850mm high, 600mm wide, and 540 mm deep, so take careful measurements of where your washer needs to fit, leaving enough space for the door to open and for a dryer to be wall-mounted above if you want to save floor space.

Usually sells for $599.

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