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#1 Thu, 26/09/2019 - 14:07

eBay Gearbit - Xiaomi Dreame cordless Handheld V9 Vacuum Cleaner 20,000Pa Suction $279.95 Delivered (code)! RRP $399

Xiaomi Dreame cordless Handheld V9 Vacuum Cleaner 20,000Pa Suction for only $279.95 delivered.

A non removable barrel is a major design flaw which in turn effects the durability of the brushless motor. (everytime you change/clean the main filter you will be exposing the motor inlet with dust, not to sure if there is a filter from the main filter to the motor itself but if there is its not cleanable/removable) If you accidently press the trigger (which you will) when empting the barrel (with the barrel filters removed, which you will have to do to fully empty the barrel) dust from the barrel itself will direclty go to the main filter.

Usually sells for $399.

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