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#1 Fri, 02/08/2019 - 14:39

Amazon A.U - Free eBook 'Computer Networking Beginners Guide' Kindle Edition

eBook 'Computer Networking Beginners Guide: Ultimate Guide To Master Communication System Including Cisco And Ccna, Wireless And Cloud Technology, System Security ... (Computer Networking Easy Book 1)' Kindle Edition for free.

A computer network is the interconnection of various devices, responsible for sending or receiving media or data. These devices are known as hosts and are connected using a number of paths. There are also other network devices like, routers, hubs, bridges and switches which are responsible for the communication between two different devices.

The layout pattern which is used to interconnect the devices is known as the network topology like star, mesh, bus, ring, daisy chain etc. Local Area Network or LAN is a data connection network which connects various computers or terminals within a building or a small geographical area. Again, WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is a telecommunications network which expands through a wide geographical area.

DOWNLOAD: Computer Networking Beginners Guide, Ultimate Guide to Master Communication System Including Cisco and CCNA, Wireless and Cloud Technology, System Security Administration and IP Subnetting.

Computer networks consist of various components, protocols and technologies working together. There should be a perfect guide who will help in learning the basics of how the network works and how the components fit together.

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