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#1 Fri, 15/02/2019 - 13:44

Amazon A.U - Free eBook 'Chess Middlegame for Beginners: The Complete Tactics and Strategy Guide for Beginners' Kindle Edition (Save $6.99)

eBook 'Chess Middlegame for Beginners: The Complete Tactics and Strategy Guide for Beginners' Kindle Edition for free.

The middlegame is a pivotal stage of every chess game. Playing successful openings is crucial, and understanding the endgame is decisive. However, the middlegame is arguably the most important part of every chess game.

It gives the game direction and allows players to establish winning positions. It is also the phase of the game during which most material is exchanged to make way for the endgame. Typically, it lasts longer than either other stage, and requires a deeper level of analysis.

Save $6.99.

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