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#1 Thu, 20/04/2017 - 14:35

Wilson Parking - Earn 1000 bonus Velocity Points + $50 parking credit when signing up for Wilson One

When signing up for a Wilson One account before 30 April 2017, you’ll receive 1000 bonus Velocity Points plus $50 parking credit.

Although not outlined in the terms and conditions, there is a chance applying for an account could check your credit record which may alter your credit score – the product offers post-pay of parking charges, and the application asks for personal details which could be used for a check. If anyone finds this is not the case we’ll remove this warning!

Only open to new individual customers that have not held a Wilson Parking account within the past six months
You are not eligible to earn Velocity Points when using the $50 credit.

Points post within 35 days of payment.

Ongoing, you’ll earn 2 Velocity Points per $ spent.


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