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#1 Thu, 06/02/2014 - 11:15

Who are better bargain hunters, Males of Females?

This is a question which comes in my mind very often. I have seen in my family that when it comes to saving money and get best out of sale discounts, females are very active . But at the same time I have noticed that big online bargain forums are male dominated. Males love to share their experiences and tips to save money.
From experience I have seen that females are better bargain hunters. They will go to ten shops before spending money, whereas males will straight go to a shop and buy.

What do you think, Males or Females, and why?

gola's picture
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Thu, 06/02/2014 - 12:11

I suspect speaking from a very general perspective, the rule of thumb is women have that gatherer gene going for them so are better at sifting through items and spotting the best item. Men tend to be more hunter with an attack and get in & out as quickly as possible. Women enjoy shopping as an activity itself, and are happy to browse through many shops looking for that perfect item whilst men may select one or two places and if they find the item they want at a reasonable price, then get it and go. Now that's all *very* general and would definitely not apply to everyone. I also suspect that nuture, rather than nature - ie social and cultural rather than genes - play a greater role in how people of any gender or culture behave when shopping. Frankly, I expect that there are many myths out there (including the generic statements above), along with gender stereotyping that we need to be wary of.

There have been some studies (for example http://www.deakin.edu.au/buslaw/gsb/...) showing some differences between how men and women behave whilst shopping.... but unless those studies have been replicated between cultures it's hard to say how specific things are due to gender rather than other factors.

So personally my call is women - in our society - are in general better if you don't include the amount of time/effort spent in shopping, but they sometimes might be swayed to choose something due to unrelated factors (brand, friends opinions, etc) that men may not put as much weight behind. Case in point - my wife loves Pandora bracelets. I know I can get bracelets and charms that are of equivalent quality at a fraction of the price of Pandora, but I doubt that she would consider wearing them!

ninhursag's picture
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Mon, 10/02/2014 - 14:16

I have to say females are good bargain hunters. My father is a thrifty guy and he shops for things on sale when he hears from a source that his favorite store is offering huge promotions. My mother and sisters are very practical and loves inexpensive things, so they would shop for "ready to wear" clothes, cheap jewellery, high quality replica bags, etc.

areza's picture
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Mon, 10/02/2014 - 15:54

I would like to think males are better bargain hunter, although i might be biased being a male ;-)

My wife is a good bargain hunter in general, but i feel i would win in a contest :_)
( hopefully my wife doesnt read this :) )

newuseragain's picture
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Mon, 10/02/2014 - 18:44

Women are better at everything, except perhaps overestimating their own capabilities. As you can see, I have been well trained. ;-)

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