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#1 Sun, 11/05/2014 - 15:04

Websites that give a discount after leaving your cart unattended ..

I was ordering something for our kids on identity direct and left 3 items worth about $85 in the cart ..
They have orders over $99 are free delivery ..
left it there for a couple of hours while having lunch and was planning to find something to get free delivery ( which technically would only cost $5 ..

but a message popped up on my screen saying - special code for free delivery - ... and could process the order for $85 free delivery

similar thing happened with Deals Direct - left an item in the cart while logged in overnight, and the next day i got a 10% voucher to use exclusively with the item the in cart - saved about $25 on that one :)

any other shopping websites that do similar things ..?

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Sun, 11/05/2014 - 20:31

I had the same happen at OO.com.au a while ago, i left some items in my cart and then they emailed me a single use voucher for free shipping.

These things are often targeted though in the sense that you can't just leave stuff in your cart and expect to get it, there will be additional criteria for example you have to have previously made an order of a certain $ or within a certain time period.

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