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#1 Fri, 23/09/2016 - 10:07

"Guerrilla Marketing" eBook (Save $10.55) @ TradePub

TradePub offers downloads of J.Conrad Levinson's and Andrew Neitlich's Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career eBook for free in exchange for information about you. Save $10.55 (USD $8).

Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career is an honest, practical, and hard-hitting guide for career success in perpetually uncertain times.

This book provides a road map to advance your career and prosper without being blindsided by overnight industry collapses, potential layoffs, economic shocks, corporate scandals, international competition, or technological disruptions.

You will gain an entirely new perspective on what it means to be combat ready in this economy, including how to achieve your career goals in creative ways while making more money and spending less time working. You will discover the secrets to getting into the opportunity flow so that the best opportunities come to you first, before others find out about them.

Offer expires October 5, 2016.


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