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#1 Mon, 28/07/2014 - 13:43

Tips for making trip to the dentist easier for kids & parents

One thing that I never looked forward to as a child was going to the dentist and now as a parent I dread taking the kids to the dentist. Even before getting in the car there are tantrums, crying, screaming, tears... well in short it is one stressful experience. What about other parents, do you ever mange to get the kids to go the dentist well ok maybe not willingly but calmly?

Do share any tips you have to make trip to the dentist less stressful both for the kids and parents.

HansZim's picture
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Mon, 28/07/2014 - 15:00

I think that the dentist can make a huge difference. Your current one may be a great dentist, but some are better with kids than others - ours is really friendly and gentle. The kids have no issues going to see her. A bit of bribery never hurts as well - eg take them during school hours so they get a break from school.... maybe suggest that after seeing the dentist, it's 'pizza/take away food' night or something special. I personally dreaded the dentist, but way back then you had to sit in a chair and pedal to drive the drill..... well, maybe not quite that bad, but still.

If your kids hate the dentist, maybe it's time to ask other parents in your area (eg at the school) to see if there is a good kids dentist they recommend. Oh, and if you hated the dentist, as hard as it might be of course try not to show it when taking the kids as of course they will pickup on that and worry as well!

ninhursag's picture
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Mon, 28/07/2014 - 17:18

ninhursag wrote:
I think that the dentist can make a huge difference.

I have never liked going to the dentist ever. As a kid the only thing that did motivate me to go was getting ice cream after the visit. After dreading going to the dentist for years I have recently come to the conclusion that a good dentist does make a huge difference. So I would say finding a good dentist is the best thing to do and leave the rest to the dentist :-)

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