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#1 Sat, 14/08/2021 - 14:42

Pluralsight - Free Weekend 2021 [7000+ Online Courses, 40+ Interactive Courses, and 20+ Projects]

All Pluralsight 7000+ online courses, 40+ interactive courses, and 20+ projects are free for this weekend only.

Pluralsight is unlocking their technology skills platform and making their 7,500+ expert-led video courses and 30+ interactive courses, and 20+ guided projects free for one weekend only Friday 08/13— Sunday 08/15.

Btw, to be honest, one weekend is nothing and you can’t just learn non-stop, so you need to pick some of the best courses you always wanted to check and stick with them, even if you complete one or two, it’s perfectly utilized weekend.
So, here are some of the Pluralsight courses, you can join or watch over the weekend. I have tried to include courses from different verticals like Java, Web Development, Data Structure, and Algorithms, Python, Data Science, and Machine learning, Big Data and Cloud Computing, SQL, Linux, etc but it’s not exhaustive.

source: https://medium.com/javarevisited/plu...

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