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#1 Thu, 05/03/2015 - 08:18

Gold status match with Etihad

If you have a gold equivalent or better frequent flyer card, you may be interested to hear that the status match program (https://www.topbargains.com.au/gold-...) has returned with Etihad. The difference now is that they don't seem to require you to have traveled business class or better to Europe or the Middle East within the past year. Spotted this here: http://www.ausbt.com.au/free-etihad-.... The full detailes are here: http://www.etihad.com/en-us/promotio...

If you have one of these cards, it should mean that you will be able to get into the Virgin lounges plus priority boarding if flying with Virgin.

As an aside, most airlines and hotel groups offer status matches unofficially outside of these special promotion periods - you just need to ask.... (you can check sites such as http://statusmatcher.com/ to work out if it's worth trying).

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