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#1 Thu, 29/10/2020 - 11:33

Dan Murphy’s - Stella Artois 330ml x 24 Bottles for $46.90 (RRP $63)

Stella Artois 330ml x 24 Bottles for only $46.90.

The unique Stella Artois yeast strain (the very same yeast strain first used by the Artois brewmasters) adds a light to moderate fruity, cooked pineapple aroma and creates a clean, crisp medium bodied flavour with hints of cooked vegetable. The Saaz hop also produces a unique bitterness which is well balanced with the malted barley, giving Stella Artois a subtle but pleasant grainy, sweet finish.

Selling for $53 @ Liquorland .

RRP $63.

Offer is valid for a limited time only.

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