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#1 Fri, 16/05/2014 - 12:18

Changing trends in shopping, online vs. back in the day bargain hunting

So this thread is inspired by my granny, who was an old school bargain hunter queen. ( To give you a visual) imagine cutting coupons out of newspapers and home/lifestyle/women's magazines and an almost religious routine of window shopping to be in the loop. Just the other day, I found a deal that might have interested her, so I showed it to her on my laptop, and half an hour later I somehow ended up showing her what online shopping was all about ( something very new to her) I won't lie to you, she was pretty impressed at how much had changed and how easy and enjoyable shopping was, but her verdict surprised me.

Before getting up for tea, she concluded that post-internet, our generation might be shopping more and in easier ways, but we were not getting more out of shopping, experience wise and saving wise.
That stuck in my head. I would love to know what you think.

In all this deal hunting and catalog-gazing, are we actually spending more while thinking we're saving? Or is my grandma just not too much of a fan of all this 'fancy pants' e-commerce?

Do you think we have it better off as shoppers and savers since online shopping came along?

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Fri, 16/05/2014 - 12:38

lisss was wondering about the same thing a few days ago.


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