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#1 Thu, 11/07/2019 - 13:27

Amazon A.U - Free eBook 'Learn Java: A Crash Course Guide to Learn Java in 1 Week..' Kindle Edition

eBook 'Learn Java: A Crash Course Guide to Learn Java in 1 Week: ( java programming , java for beginners , java programming for beginners, java coding , java )' Kindle Edition for free.

For one, Java is arguably the most acclaimed skill and is in demand nearly everywhere. IBM, Infosys, Twitter, Netflix, Google, Spotify, Uber, Amazon, Target, Yelp, Square, and other big players are always in need of a great Java programmer. Going by PayScale.com (the website that offers information about salary), an average Java developer earns about $70,000 annually. As a pro in the field, you have the entire globe to work over, as the demand is never restricted to a particular geographical area.

This book is the ultimate beginners’ crash course to Java programming, as it will help you learn enough about the language in as little as 1 week! Complex concepts are broken down into simple and easy steps to ensure that you can easily master the Java language even if you have never coded before.

Save $14.99.

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