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#1 Wed, 14/01/2015 - 12:28

Lite n' Easy's 3 Day New Year Sale saving 10%

Lite n' Easy's 3 Day New Year Sale - a great way to get the new year off to a flying start by saving 10% when you place an order between now and January 16 for delivery no later than January 24, 2015.

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Wed, 14/01/2015 - 14:16

Didn't work, I get "I'm sorry. Promo code invalid."
Are there any further T&C?

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Wed, 14/01/2015 - 14:18

Ok, seems to work only if you order a meal plan... I originally just wanted to order dinners and mini meals, but you actually have to choose a meal plan to make it work. Minimum spend doesn't seem to matter.

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