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#1 Tue, 15/07/2014 - 18:31

Kmart - Permanent Price Drops - Prices from $3

There was an interesting segment on Kmart on A Current Affair last night, which talked about how Kmart has changed their business model and are now producing super cheap products but in much higher volume. It was used to advertise their new permanent price drops, some of which make basic items ridiculously cheap.

The highlights are:
Womens Bras Now from $3
Soundbeatz Headphones Now $8
Homemaker Quilt Cover Sets - Queen Now $10
Bath Towels now as low as $4 each

Kmart now lists recent permanent price drops on its website (linked to from here). These are not sale prices, they are permanent everyday prices - I don't think I've ever seen bras as cheap as $3 in Australia before as an everyday price!!!

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